Iasiello, Emilio

China’s Cyber Initiatives Counter International Pressure / [Recurso electrónico] PDF

Prior to its historic 2015 “no hack” pact for commercial advantage with the United States,
Beijing has been engaged drafting and passing legislation, most with specific cyber
components, to enhance its security posture while protecting its economic interests. This
approach is in stark contrast to United States efforts that have demonstrated a focus on
“acting globally, thinking locally” philosophy wherein most of its cyber efforts have been
outwardly facing and are distinct from other security considerations. This paper suggests that
by strengthening its domestic front with a legal framework, Beijing is preparing itself to
counter any foreign initiative contrary to Beijing’s plans (e.g., cyber norms of behavior,
cyber sanctions, etc.) by being able to exert legal measures against foreign interests in
country, thereby preserving its cyber sovereignty.

Seguridad--Economía Comercio exterior Estrategias de seguridad Relaciones Internacionales

Koha-Kobli, © Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte España, 2013

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