Knights, Michael Levitt, Matthew

The Evolution of Shi`a Insurgency in Bahrain / Recurso electrónico [PDF] .-- : CTCSentinel , Jan. 2018 .-- Recurso online, 8 p.

Since 2011, Iran and its proxy militias in Lebanon and Iraq have undertaken an unprecedented effort to develop militant cells in Bahrain. These cells have evolved from easily detectible groups of amateurs to small cells of attackers with overseas training and combat experience and the ability to mount effective IED attacks. The threat of Iranian-backed Shi`a cells in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia is likely to expand with their use of unmanned air and sea vehicles, anti-armor weapons, and assassination tactics.

Estado Islámico


Irak Irán Arabia Saudí
Koha-Kobli, © Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte España, 2013

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