Burelle, Laurent de Castries, Henri

What role for cars in tomorrow's world? / Institut Montaigne [Recurso electrónico] PDF .-- Paris : Institut Montaigne , 2017 .-- 190 p. ; 2,2 MB Recurso online

What lies ahead of cars? The need to improve air quality and the quest for more fluid means of mobility, and sometimes dogmatic viewpoints have led some to want to exclude cars from towns.
Despite the undeniable progress that has been made to mitigate its impact, cars remain a source of undesirable externalities. In France, transport represented 26.9% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 and 28% of particulate emissions in the Île-de-France region.
Congestion in city centres leads to increase in both of these emissions and a considerable loss of time (estimated at 38 minutes per day in Paris) and money for those who drive.


Transportes Medio ambiente Desarrollo sostenible Prospectiva

European Strategy and Policy Analysis System
Koha-Kobli, © Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte España, 2013

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